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Description with different arrangement systems.

Arrangement of dryers in 2x2 battery with central hopper:

Total production 2000 Kg/h.

Overall dimensions, mt 12 x 5 mt.


Arrangement of the dryers in battery 4:

Conveyor belt for dry and loaded product output with plate system, total production 2000 Kg / h.

Overall dimensions, mt 10 x 7 mt.


Total electric power installed for each dryer, 17 kW absorbed in production 8-10 kW.

The gearmotors are oversized to support, the possible starting at full load.


Thermal power for each kW 240 pellet dryer, with automatic temperature modulating system.

Each dryer is managed by its electrical panel automatically when the set humidity level is reached, the dried material is discharged, immediately always automatically, the loading of the material to be dried takes place, and repeats the cycle.

Total height with reduced cyclone mt 3.70. Height with cyclone above the room 4.70 mT.


The battery on a line
4 battery

Messaggio inviato con successo

© Tecnosistemi Srl via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa 1, 27013 Chignolo Po (Pv)

Concord 200 lato carico
TS BS 500 aspirazione
Pegaso 200 entrata aria
Generatore aria Cippato
Generatore aria 150 kw
Generatore aria lato uscita
Concor 200 tramoggia carico
Generatore aria fianco
Pegaso 200 lato aspirazione
Pegaso 200 lato scarico materiale
Essiccatore Fronte
Concord 200 carico Cippato
Concord 200 con generatore
Concord 200 lato quadro
modello ts 1
modello ts 3
modello ts 6
modello ts 2
modello ts 4 quadro
modello ts 7
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