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Our dryers are the result of innovation, design and passion. Designed for every need and built entirely within our workshops, this guarantees immediate results.

Our patented system allows an infinite range of applications.

Our company also deals with the installation and turnkey delivery.

You can choose different types of fuels such as wood chips, wood pellets and more. Our biomass oven is built with the best materials.  The burner can be requested with a fixed grid or mobile grate.

The biomass fuel can be used with a maximum humidity of 45%, the pellet burners are of the primary brand. The use of our dryers allows you to dry a wide range of materials such as wood chips, sawdust, straw, olive pomace, alfalfa, peanut and biomass of various kinds.

The drying capacity depends on the humidity of the incoming material and the type of material. Production capacity from 200 up to 500 kg/h. We guarantee that with wood biomass we can dry material with input humidity up to 60% that we will bring up to 10%.


Load tank; * Loading auger; * Stellar discharge valve; * Pipe insulation; * Plant automation; * Filter dust and fumes; * Automatic humidity detector.


Continuous cycle dryer with launch extraction system. 
Continuous cycle dryer.
Wood chips Dryer
Static dryer with patented 2x120 kw pellet burners. 
TS-MDG 120 model dryer​​
modello ts 1
modello ts 4 quadro
modello ts 7
modello ts 3
modello ts 6
modello ts 2
modello ts5

Messaggio inviato con successo

© Tecnosistemi Srl via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa 1, 27013 Chignolo Po (Pv)

Concord 200 lato carico
TS BS 500 aspirazione
Pegaso 200 entrata aria
Generatore aria Cippato
Generatore aria 150 kw
Generatore aria lato uscita
Concor 200 tramoggia carico
Generatore aria fianco
Pegaso 200 lato aspirazione
Pegaso 200 lato scarico materiale
Essiccatore Fronte
Concord 200 carico Cippato
Concord 200 con generatore
Concord 200 lato quadro
modello ts 1
modello ts 3
modello ts 6
modello ts 2
modello ts 4 quadro
modello ts 7
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